Tomb Raider Art Encyclopendia Wiki

The Tomb of Seth is a level from Tomb Raider IV.


03.01 - Horus bird

Tr4 03 01

This is the same picture as in Tomb Raider 1, in the Egypt level. I couldn’t find it

03.02 - Stars

Tr4 03 02

These come from the ceiling of the temple of Hathor in the temple complex of Dendera.

03.03 - Bull and god horus

These come from the roof of the Hypostyle hall (Pronaos) of the Hathor temple in Dendera. The god on the boat is probably Horus. The bull is not known but could be the king of Egypt.

03.04 - More gods

These come from the roof of the Hypostyle hall (Pronaos) of the Hathor temple in Dendera. These are three gods. The hyro’s are too tiny to read them.

03.05 - Shrine

This depict the inner shrine of Tutankhamun (or Tutankhaten), it is made of stone. The four other shrines are of wood with a layer of gold on it. We see the goddess Nepthys . On each side is a goddess: Isis, Neith, Selket, spreading their wings to protect the diseased.

The goddesses spreading their wings to protect the diseased, was a common theme used on the decoration of the sarcophagus in the 18th dynasty. Except Akhenaton, he used four Aton-discs with hands on the sides of his sarcophagus.

03.06 - More gods of Denderah

These come from the roof of the Hypostyle hall (Pronaos) of the Hathor temple in Dendera. The god is unknown.

03.07 - Pharaoh offering to a god

Amenemhat IV offering goods to Atum, the god of Iunu (Heliopolis). This is can also be seen on Tomb Raider 1. It has been reused.

03.08 - Blue and gold

Lapis Lazuli (blue) and gold remind me of the mask of Tutankhamun. But there is so much more blue and gold in the tomb of king Tut.

According to dr. Nicolas Reeves the famous mask is not from him but from Neferet-iti (or Nefertiti). Read more here.

03.09 - View of the room

This time it is a view of the room like Core Design frequently does.

03.10 - Black hieroglyphics 1

03.11 - Red hieroglyphics 2

Tr4 03 11

03.12 - Black and white hieroglyphics 3


Some trivia

The timeless Sands amulet[]

Tr4 03 13

In my memory it was called “Sands of time”. Lara places the the object “The Timeless Sands” on the statue. It clear all the sands from the Sfinx.

The sands of time is an English idiom relating the passage of time to the sand in an hourglass. The hourglass is an antiquated timing instrument consisting of two glass chambers connected vertically by a narrow passage which allows sand to trickle from the upper part to the lower by means of gravity. The amount of sand determines the amount of time that passes as the chamber is emptied. The image of the sand being emptied in the hourglass creates a visual metaphor for the limited duration of human life, and for the inevitability of change in the world as a whole.

From here.

The hourglass, sometimes with the addition of metaphorical wings, is often depicted as a symbol that human existence is fleeting, and that the “sands of time” will run out for every human life.[15] It was used thus on pirate flags, to strike fear into the hearts of the pirates’ victims. In England, hourglasses were sometimes placed in coffins,[16] and they have graced gravestones for centuries. The hourglass was also used in alchemy as a symbol for hour.

From here

Unused picture[]

Tr4 03 14
